Welcome to the start of 2021!


And what a turbulent start it has been!!!

Back in our April 2020, HR Straight Talk About Tomorrow's New Normal , we said…

  • As great brilliant leaders we had to be the ones to ride at the front of the pack and lead the way to change.

  • That as a leader, as a co-worker, as a partner, as just a person living in a social world that got turned on its ear, we were going to have to face demands that none of us has had to face before.

  • And that ALL OF US would have to put aside differences AND center our focus on the needs of others and be brave enough to step out to meet those needs.

Well people, the message hasn’t changed, and the need is even greater!

Frankly, there’s never been a greater need for our type of brave, courageous leadershipthan there is RIGHT NOW!

We have got to get our heads wrapped around being there for each other, reconnecting with people who don’t believe exactly as we do, and we must be willing to RESPECTFULLY agree to disagree when the divide is just too large to manage in one big step.

We must be the ones willing to listen, to build understanding, and to being open to new ideas.
As great, Brilliant leaders WE must be the role model and the set the example for those who follow us.

Yeah, I know it’s easier to grouse and grumble and lament how great things used to be. BUT…that’s the easy route. That’s the loser’s route. And that’s just NOT who we are!!!

NOW is the time to take a deep breath, take control, and to stop being controlled by circumstances.

I challenge you to be the great, Brilliant leader you know you are. I challenge you to be courageous, to dig-deep for patience, and to learn how to better connect with those around you.

OK, I double-dog dare you to focus on perpetuating connectivity, forging new paths, and giving the world around us a chance to succeed.

Remember, Leadership is not about titles or the corner office. It’s about the willingness to step up, put yourself out there, and to be courageous. The world is desperate for Brilliant leaders just like you.

I believe if we are all willing to step-up, we will be the INSPIRATION to motivate others positively and we will begin to build a brilliant LEGACY that will shine a light for others to follow.

So how bright will your light shine? Are you willing to accept the challenge and set the example?

Motivating others positively in 2021 is my challenge and goal.

What’s yours?

Drop me an email to share your 2021 challenges and goals. I’d really like to know.