Join the Small Business CEO Advisement Group!

Your Key to Success is HERE!

I remember when I started my business back in 2011. Walking away from a 6-figure corporate career felt a little stupid in hind sight. I remember feeling fear around creating revenue. If only I had the extra cash to hire an advisor that could show me the way.

I didn’t have the cash. From 2011 to 2015, I struggled. I chased every piece of free advice I could suck up from webinars, reading, newsletters, and from anyone who was willing to share it. It was HARD! I had no direction and I felt so alone.

I remember the evening…it is so clear in my mind, I reached out to Lisa Larter and said, can you give me your pricing to work with you in an advisory capacity for one-year? She did…and I remember swallowing really hard. I knew I couldn’t make those monthly payments out of my business. But I also knew she was the best!

That night my husband and I went to dinner. I said to him…I need to talk something through with you. I was exhausted and I felt like 2016 was the year I was either going to make my business profitable or I was going to walk away. I was done struggling…I was done feeling alone…and I was done feeling like a failure!

We agreed that night that we would engage Lisa…the rest is history! Working with Lisa has not only helped my business grow, but flourish! I am on year two with Lisa…and I have no desire to let her go any time soon. Her advisement helps my business grow daily. I am a firm believer that every entrepreneur or business owner needs an advisor in some capacity.

A few weeks ago, Carol and I met with a small business owner to help her flesh out some business ideas. I walked away from that meeting with a nagging feeling in my gut.

I woke up several times during the night thinking about that meeting and by the next morning I knew that I needed to reach out to my community to see if small business owners, who are in growth mode, might be interested in a small business CEO advisement group.

Most of our work these days are with medium to larger size companies. I moved away from small businesses because they didn’t have the revenue to pay for my services.

I remember how it felt to be in that place when you just needed “a little help” and yet everything was so out of your reach. You are on the cusp of making big decisions and you need the support and advisement to help you get there.

So, I felt compelled to create a Quarterly Small Business CEO Advisement Group to help CEO’s plan and strategize each quarter. I knew that our normal advisement rates would be out of their reach but I wanted to create a program that was of great value at a price that a small business could absorb.

I am doing a trial run of this new program and I am looking for 5-CEO’s to join me for the last quarter of 2017.

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Part of the advisement group will be discussing topics like:

  • Business & Tactical Advisement
  • Marketing Advisement
  • Team Building for Growth
  • Building Systems & Processes
  • Building & Developing Vision

And the package will include:

  • Individual: 60-Minute Advisement Zoom Call (Recorded for Your Use)
    You will complete a pre-advisement agenda. This will get us started and help us use your time wisely.
  • Individual: 30-Minute Follow Up Call to be used at your discretion during the 4th quarter. Take advantage of the follow up call if you have questions or need additional assistance.
  • Group: Become a VIP in our Private Facebook Group. The FB Group will be open to you for the full 4th quarter. You will get full access to me to support your advisement strategy.
  • All participants will have first access to participate in the 2018 CEO Advisement Group. Spaces will be limited.

I’m offering this trial for only $495! That price is not monthly…that is for the entire quarter! I want this to be affordable for small business owners, but I want you to feel the value and power of advisement services and how they can help you build your business.

I have 4-spots left open, so if you’re interested, please email me at Please note that I am doing a quick interview of applicants to ensure that there is a fit and that we aren’t duplicating industries.

This introductory rate of $495 is only available til Friday, September 1, 2017!

I will be kicking this group off on September 5, 2017 – will you be joining me?